About Me
Name: Choo Teck Peng
Nick: Apple
Gender: Male
DOB: 01/02/1986
Horoscope: Aquarius
Character: LONER, Serious attitude problem, kawaii, simple-minded person that thinks too much...
Email: apple_ah@hotmail.com
Camp: Hendon Camp
Course: Weapon
Now playing - Close to You – Carpenters
Why do birds suddenly appear
Every time you are near?
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you.
Why do stars fall down from the sky
Every time you walk by?
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you.
On the day that you were born
The angels got together
And decided to create a dream come true
So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold
And starlight in your eyes of blue.
That is why all the girls in town
Follow you all around.
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you.
On the day that you were born
The angels got together
And decided to create a dream come true
So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold
And starlight in your eyes of blue.
That is why all the girls in town
Follow you all around.
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you.
Just like me (Just like me)
They long to be
Close to you.
Wahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.
Wahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.
Hahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.
Lahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.
Digital Cam... to share my precious memories
My own shop... F&B... haven decide wat to sell
Travel to Japan... wan to experience the culture
Travel with parents... see where they wan go
Travel with Fey... all of us... away from busy
Bungalow... design my own interior
Enjoy the weather... sun,wind,rain,snow
Let parents retire... time to change shift
Listen to my favourite music... 24hrs
Darling... my smile FOUND
2 kids... my toys
New computer... stop hanging
Money and time... to make the above happen... =p
My Only Dear Princess
Suyun ^_^
Awyong ^_^
Bell ^_^
Cass ^_^ (Journal / Blog / Blog II )
CK ^_^
Heli ^_^
Jinglin ^_^
YingXian ^_^
Ah Boy ^_^
Carp ^_^
Clement ^_^
Leslie ^_^
weesoon ^_^
weizhong ^_^
Audrey ^_^ (Blog / Workz )
38 women ^_^
Benji ^_^
Bernice ^_^ (Old / New )
BE club ^_^
Chiewwei ^_^
Deborah ^_^
Eileen ^_^
Francine ^_^
Jacintha ^_^
Jacqueline ^_^
Jazelle ^_^
Joy ^_^
Junda ^_^
Kaiwen ^_^
Leng Yeow ^_^
Nam Ngee ^_^
Pei Shan ^_^
Robin ^_^
Shuting ^_^
Vanice ^_^
Xiangying ^_^
Xiaoran ^_^
Yaoming ^_^
Yixian ^_^
Yizhao ^_^
Cute Games
felicia chin
Happy Tree Friends
I Love Egg
joanne peh
Mr Brown
SHE's Official Site
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
August 2006
September 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
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December 2011
February 2012
会呼吸的痛 - 梁静茹
歌手:梁静茹 专辑:今天情人节 在东京铁塔 第一次眺望 看灯火模仿 坠落的星光 我终於到达 但却更悲伤 一个人完成 我们的梦想 你总说 时间还很多 你可以等我 以前我不懂得 未必明天 就有以后 Chorus: 想念是会呼吸的痛 它活在我身上所有角落 哼你爱的歌会痛 看你的信会痛 连沉默也痛 遗憾是会呼吸的痛 它流在血液中来回滚动 后悔不贴心会痛 恨不懂你会痛 想见不能见最痛 没看你脸上 张扬过哀伤 那是种多么 寂寞的倔强 你拆了城墙 让我去流浪 在原地等我 把自己捆绑 你没说 你也会软弱 需要依赖我 我就装不晓得 自由移动 自我地过 Chorus 我发誓不再说谎了 多爱你就会抱你多紧的 我的微笑都假了 灵魂像飘浮着 你在就好了 我发誓不让你等候 陪你做想做的无论什么 我越来越像贝壳 怕心被人触碰 你回来那就好了 能重来那就好了
- apple was bored @
1:23 PM
//Rain/Snow effect- By Craig Blanchette Craiga.topcities.com
//Script featured on Dynamic Drive
//Visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com for this script and more
snow = true; // false-snow; true-rain
snowsym = " * " //These are the symbols for each
rainsym = " ' " //You can put images here.
howmany = 30 //How many drops/snowflakes?
/**************Do not need to change anything below***********/
if(snow){sym = snowsym; speed=1; angle=10; drops=howmany}
else{sym = rainsym; speed=5; drops=howmany; angle=6}
movex = -speed/angle; movey = speed; count = 0;
function moverain(){
for(move = 0; move < drops; move++){
xx[move]+=movex; yy[move]+=mv[move];
hmm = Math.round(Math.random()*1);
if(xx[move] < 0){xx[move] = maxx+10;}
if(yy[move] > maxy){yy[move] = 10;}
drop[move].left = xx[move]
drop[move].top = yy[move]+document.body.scrollTop;
if (document.all){
drop = new Array(); xx = new Array(); yy = new Array(); mv = new Array()
ly = "document.all[\'"; st = "\'].style"
for(make = 0; make < drops; make++){
drop[make] = eval(ly+'drop'+make+st);
maxx = document.body.clientWidth-40
maxy = document.body.clientHeight-40
xx[make] = Math.random()*maxx;
yy[make] = -100-Math.random()*maxy;
drop[make].left = xx[make]
drop[make].top = yy[make]
mv[make] = (Math.random()*5)+speed/4;
drop[make].fontSize = (Math.random()*10)+20;
if(snow){col = 'white'}else{col = '#9999ff'}
drop[make].color = col;
function scrollit_r2l(seed) { var msg="where ever u go, whatever u do, I will be right here waiting 4 u. Whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks, I will be right here waiting 4 u.";
var out = " oh cant u see it baby - u've got me going crazy "; var c = 10;
if (seed > 100) { seed--; var cmd="scrollit_r2l(" + seed + ")"; timerTwo=window.setTimeout(cmd,100); } else
if (seed <= 100 && seed > 0) { for (c=0 ; c < seed ; c++) { out+=" "; }
out+=msg; seed--; var cmd="scrollit_r2l(" + seed + ")"; window.status=out; timerTwo=window.setTimeout(cmd,100); } else
if (seed <= 0) { if (-seed < msg.length) { out+=msg.substring(-seed,msg.length); seed--;
var cmd="scrollit_r2l(" + seed + ")"; window.status=out; timerTwo=window.setTimeout(cmd,100); }
else { window.status=" "; timerTwo=window.setTimeout("scrollit_r2l(100)",75); } } }